did CORY WELLS from THREE DOG NIGHT Really Do A DISCO Album?! oh how soon we forget, the year was 1978 and despite the genre this was actually a really good album, that voice and those songs!! (Special Post/Link)

It wasn't until my bud Ed posted the single from this album
that I even remembered it, it was totally gone from the
memory, ya dig? But I was blessed enough to be in 
attendance for this show at the Roxy in Hollywood
when this album came out. I was 16 years old and
going through my first real breakup with a girl and 
went to the club alone way early and was the first
to get in and be seated, front row center. Cory came
by on his way to dressing room but it happened so 
fast I didn't get to say anything to him. The show was
amazing with every song from this album played
and a Three Dog Night acoustic set in the middle
of show! I remember Cory talking about Hoyt
Axton his fishing buddy who wrote Joy To The
World and many other great hits. About half
way through the show there was a yell from the 
audience, "HEY, YOU'RE REALLY GOOD!"
and when everyone looked back it was Jimmy
Greenspoon the organ player from Three Dog
Night heckling! Everyone laughed, classic moment. 
MIDNIGHT LADY - really nice song, "bluesy" disco?
YOU'RE MY DAY - very disco lol

STARLIGHT - Single from album, pretty cool tune.
Ed's Attic has a real cool vinyl rip of the single
The Horror!!