Hey What's "THE GOOD GIRL" doing in the House Of Horrors?! and now that she's in, you Know we're not gonna let her out! But seriously this 2002 Comedy with JENNIFER ANISTON in her first real Break-Out Role, in fact, SHE'S AMAZING!! (Reco)

"It will no longer be possible to consider Jennifer
Aniston in the same way (after this picture)"-
Roger Ebert
2002's Premiere Selection in Sundance, Jennifer Aniston
hits a grand slam and proves she can act in this 
acclaimed indie. But the real star here is a guy named
Mike White who wrote the funny but poignant script
He's a written a few good others in his time, you
might remember one called "School Of Rock"

It's a 2002 film so you should be able to find anywhere!
The Horror!!